Earn service hours!
Goal-oriented projects instead of schedule-based duties
Get resume-worthy leadership experience from a certified global nonprofit
Applying is free!
The BEST teammates you'll ever meet (we're all teens too!)
Be part of a movement that inspires thousands of girls around the world
frequently asked
frequently asked
If I'm not in high school yet, how can I join the team?
The best way for you to get involved with inteGIRLS is to be an active contributor on our forum! We will sometimes have "internships" that you can apply for as well - you'll be the first to know about these by joining our email list :)
We welcome students of any age or sex to join us! You can be a part of many departments: content development, outreach, and tech operations, just to name a few!
I'm not female/non-binary, how can I get involved?
Can I apply to more than one available position?
Yes! You may apply to as many positions as you'd like. If there is something specific you think you could help us with, please email info@integirls.org! We'd love to hear what you have to offer!
Please email info@integirls.org! We'll get back to you as soon as possible! We hope you take the time to apply and join us :)
I have a question about a specific role, what do I do?
We hope to welcome you as our newest team member!