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featuring achievements, work, and other stories inspired by our amazing alumni's experiences at inteGIRLS

Norah is a rising senior who lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. She has loved STEM from a young age, participating in competition math since 5th grade. She won the award of top female for Cincinnati MathCOUNTS and the 1st place team for the 2017 Ohio MathCOUNTS. More recently, she has been a 2-time AIME qualifier, scoring a 7 in 2020, finalist in the American Computer Science League senior division, and programmer of a history app for the city of Montgomery, Ohio. She’s wanted to pursue math and computer science as a career ever since she took BC calculus and computer science as a freshman, and plans to study data science in college. She participated in the spring 2020 inteGIRLS puzzle hunt, placing 5th, and has fallen in love with puzzle hunting ever since. InteGIRLS inspired her to participate in multiple other puzzle hunts, as well as write her own hunt. She is very appreciative of the incredible community of girls in STEM that inteGIRLS has provided to her, and is excited to continue working with inteGIRLS and encouraging other young girls to pursue STEM subjects in the future.
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